2007 DaYi "An Xiang" (Secret Fragrance) 400g Puerh Shou Cha Ripe Tea - King Tea Mall

2007 DaYi "An Xiang" (Secret Fragrance) 400g Puerh Shou Cha Ripe Tea

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  • Year: 2007
  • Type: Puerh Shou Cha (Ripe Tea)
  • Weight: 400g
  • Name: "An Xiang" (Secret Fragrance)


  • Description: This tea primarily uses strong tea leaves, covered with young buds and leaves on the surface. It is medium fermented, ensuring a balanced and refined flavor profile.

Taste Profile:

  • Aroma: The tea exudes a pleasant fermented tea aroma that is both inviting and complex.
  • Tea Liquor: The tea soup is red, with a clear and bright appearance that indicates quality fermentation.
  • Flavor: The flavor is sweet and smooth, offering a rich and varied taste experience. The tea is both mellow and viscous, providing a satisfying mouthfeel.
  • Mouthfeel: The brewed tea leaves are resilient, reflecting the high quality of the tea materials used.


  • Location: Guangzhou
  • Conditions: Naturally stored in Guangzhou, which contributes to the tea's unique flavor development and aromatic qualities over time.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review

Got this in a sample pack to try. Using a gaiwan to keep this one pure. It is called “Secret fragrance” I wish I had an aroma cup for this but I lack one. Goes on shopping list. The first infusion brewed a light pale green color and gave a small hit of tobacco. Second infusion give a deeper golden color and brings out some citrus notes to go with the hit of astringency and tobacco. Interesting on the palate, makes the tongue tingle a bit. It has a small bit of astringency but seems to coat the mouth with an aftertaste of the citrus that lingers for a while. It almost seems to have some floral between the layers of tobacco and citrus. A very interesting sheng. I brewed 13 grams of it in the pot.