"Bo You" Puerh Tea Factory

"Bo You" Puerh Tea Factory was founded by Mr. Zhang FangRong in 2005 and specialized in the production of fermented Puerh tea (ripe tea or shou cha). Mr. Huang AnShun, the former leader of the Ferment Department at Menghai Tea Factory, played a crucial role in the establishment of "Bo You" Tea Factory.

Mr. Huang, who joined Menghai Tea Factory in 1957 and became the leader of the Ferment Department in 1964, provided invaluable guidance to "Bo You." Under his direction, the Shou Cha produced by "Bo You" closely resembled the main characteristics of Menghai Tea Factory's products. Medium to heavy fermentation resulted in a smooth mouth and throat feel, sweetness, thickness, and a satisfying aftertaste (Cha Qi), with the tea liquor remaining clean with minimal or no residual odors from the fermentation process.

The storage conditions, whether dry or natural, in regions like Guangzhou, influenced the fragrance and taste of the tea to some extent, but overall, the quality remained satisfactory. Moreover, the prices of "Bo You" teas were considerably more reasonable compared to their counterparts from Dayi (Menghai Tea Factory) during the same period.

Thanks to the positive reception from consumers, "Bo You" quickly became a renowned tea brand and one of the top 10 tea factories in China. However, after 2017, there has been minimal updates on factory and product information. New tea products are rare, and the brand has transitioned to a new name, "Fang Rong Cang - Bo You" (FangRong Storage - Bo You).

Nevertheless, many teas from the early days of "Bo You" remain available in the market today and are expected to be enjoyed for many years to come.


Contrary to the current Puerh tea market, especially after 2005, there was a saying in the Puerh tea market that "Sheng Xia Guan, Shou Da Yi" (Raw Tea from Xiaguan, Ripe Tea from Dayi), highlighting the strengths of each tea factory. However, it may be puzzling why many well-known aged sheng cha teas originated from Menghai Tea Factory instead of Xiaguan. This phenomenon, including teas such as "88 Qing" (Green), "99 Lv Da Shu" (Green Big Tree), "Da Bai Cai" (Big Cabbage), "Kong Que" (Peacock series), requires further exploration and analysis. In short, the main reason could be attributed to the production strategies of state-owned tea factories from the late 1950s to the 1980s. Xiaguan thrived on the large-scale production of raw tea, while Menghai Tea Factory faced financial challenges and near-bankruptcy without orders from sources outside of CNNP (China National Native Produce & Animal By-Products Import & Export Corporation).

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