Thank you for providing the details again. Here's a summary of the 2013 ChenShengHao "Yi Wu Fu Yuan Chan Hao" (Yiwu Fuyuanchanghao) 400g Puerh Raw Tea Sheng Cha:
- Series Name: Yi Wu Fu Yuan Chan Hao (Yiwu Fuyuanchanghao)
- Tea Type: Raw Puerh Tea (Sheng Cha)
- Source: Yi Wu tea mountain
- Selected high-quality big tree tea leaves known for their softness, sweetness, and aging potential.
- Long and tight tea threads with neatness and multi-tea hairs.
- Clear liquor color with brightness.
- Refreshing taste with sweetness and richness.
- Quick returning sweetness (Huigan) with good saliva production.
- Soft and resilient mouthfeel.
- Lingering tea flavor.
- High-quality Yiwu tea develops significant Cha Qi after aging.
- Storage: Guangzhou natural storage to enhance aging.
- Quality Assurance: CSH contracts tea plantations at Yi Wu mountain and purchases fresh tea leaves from local farmers, processing them in their own factory.
- Series: Part of the "Yi Wu" series, alongside "Lao Ban Zhang", "Na Ka", and "Nan Nuo / Ban Po Zhai", each focusing on tea leaves from specific regions.
This tea is renowned for its quality, flavor profile, and aging potential, making it a popular choice among tea enthusiasts.