2008 XiaGuan "8853" Cake 357g Puerh Raw Tea Sheng Cha - King Tea Mall
2008 XiaGuan "8853" Cake 357g Puerh Raw Tea Sheng Cha - King Tea Mall
2008 XiaGuan "8853" Cake 357g Puerh Raw Tea Sheng Cha - King Tea Mall
2008 XiaGuan "8853" Cake 357g Puerh Raw Tea Sheng Cha - King Tea Mall
2008 XiaGuan "8853" Cake 357g Puerh Raw Tea Sheng Cha - King Tea Mall
2008 XiaGuan "8853" Cake 357g Puerh Raw Tea Sheng Cha - King Tea Mall

2008 XiaGuan "8853" Cake 357g Puerh Raw Tea Sheng Cha

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Product Details:

  • Name: 8853 Cake
  • Year: 2008
  • Type: Puerh Raw Tea (Sheng Cha)
  • Weight: 357g
  • Storage: Guangzhou natural storage

Tea Characteristics:

  • Tea Grade: Mainly composed of 5th-grade tea materials sourced from the Menghai tea region, positioning it as a counterpart to the renowned 7542 from Dayi.
  • Appearance: The tea threads are tightly packed and neatly arranged, although some rough leaves and stems may be present, adding to the tea's character.
  • Liquor Color: Upon brewing, the tea reveals a clear liquor with a bright and inviting color, signaling its quality.
  • Aroma: The tea exudes a delightful aroma reminiscent of honey, complemented by subtle hints of light smokiness.
  • Taste: It offers a sweet and natural taste, with light to minor bitterness and some astringency, providing a well-balanced flavor profile that appeals to the palate.
  • Infusions: With its enduring flavor profile, the tea can be steeped multiple times, offering a rewarding experience over 8-9 infusions.


  • The tea has been stored naturally in Guangzhou, allowing it to mature gracefully and develop its distinct characteristics over time.


The 2008 XiaGuan "8853" Cake embodies XiaGuan's dedication to producing high-quality Puerh teas. With its balanced flavor profile, delightful aroma, and ability to yield multiple infusions, this tea is sure to captivate tea enthusiasts seeking a premium Sheng Cha experience. Whether enjoyed now or aged further, it promises a rewarding journey through the nuances of fine Puerh tea, making it a valuable addition to any tea collection.

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