This exquisite blend is crafted using premium tea leaves, handpicked from ancient trees over 1300 years old in the Jingmai organic tea plantation, along with select leaves from the renowned Banzhang area.
The tea boasts a smoky and robust flavor profile, enriched by years of aging which imparts a caramel-like taste.
Its bitterness is subtle, complemented by a pronounced but swiftly diminishing pungency.
The experience is further enhanced by a rapid onset of Huigan, or returning sweetness, and a strong saliva-inducing effect.
The flavor is rich, thick, and redolent of strong mountain essences, achieving an exceptional balance and a remarkable appearance.
This tea has been naturally stored in Guangzhou, ensuring its unique characteristics are preserved.
In 2003, the Xinghai Tea Factory released three versions of the Jingmai Organic Cake, commissioned by the YingHong Tea Room.
The 603 batch (Jing Pin Dian Cang) quickly gained popularity for its intense smoky flavor and overall quality.
The same year marked a significant transition for the ancient organic tea plantation, as it was leased to the 101 Tea Company from the US under a 50-year contract, making this blend the last to use tea leaves from Xinghai’s tenure there.
Today, the 302 version of this tea has garnered acclaim, particularly for its "Smoky" essence, incorporation of "BanZhang tea," and the use of "Organic Jingmai tea.