Tea Name: ZiQi, written as 子期 in Chinese characters, is the second in the following series:
1. 伯牙 (BoYa), sheng cha
2. 子期 (ZiQi), sheng cha
3. 桐琴 (TongQin), shou cha.
“GaoShanLiuShuiYuZhiYin” (高山流水遇知音) is a well-known story from over 2000 years ago in China. When BoYa played the zither, ZiQi, drawn by the melody, could discern when it depicted towering mountains or babbling streams. Since then, ZhiYin (知音, understanding melody) has symbolized close friendship.
This tea is crafted from spring GuShu (old tree) materials from YiWu (易武), with additional materials from BanPen (班盆), part of the BanZhang tea area, also known as one of the five BanZhang villages. YiWu tea is celebrated for its softness and floral flavor. Ancient trees, with their deep roots and sub-roots, absorb more nutrients, enriching the leaves and ensuring a soft yet tenacious brew that lasts for many infusions.
• Tightly curled tea threads exhibit tenacity and are covered with many silver hairs.
• The tea liquid is rich and smooth, yellow in color, and clean and clear.
• Bitterness is more pronounced than typical YiWu teas due to the addition of BanPen tea from BuLang tea mountains.
• Astringency is at a medium level.
• High-level Huigan, with a unique YiWu tea sweetness that is soft and lingers in the mouth and throat.
• Excellent and long-lasting saliva production.
• Shows potential for future aging under suitable storage conditions. (Recommended R/H around 75, below 80, and a temperature around 25 Celsius degrees.)
Packaging: 100g per piece, 5 pieces per tong.
Storage: Dry storage in GuangZhou.