- Year: 2006
- Type: Puerh Sheng Cha Raw Tea
- Weight: 400g
- Name: XiaGuan "Si Hao" (No.4) Cake
- Storage: Guangzhou natural storage
Description: The 2006 XiaGuan "Si Hao" (No.4) Cake is a distinguished addition to XiaGuan's repertoire, boasting a lineage that traces back to the renowned "Purple Dayi - 7542" blend introduced by the Menghai tea factory in 2001. Commissioned by the esteemed FT tea company, this series epitomizes XiaGuan's dedication to crafting teas that rival the esteemed flavors of Dayi blends.
Tea Characteristics:
- Appearance: The tea presents itself with tightly compressed and neatly arranged threads, exuding a subtle wooden aroma that enhances its allure.
- Flavor Profile: Delight in the clear and bright liquor that embodies the essence of this tea. Experience a harmonious interplay of sweetness and smoky notes, creating a rich and mellow flavor profile that is both smooth and round on the palate.
- Bitterness and Astringency: While exhibiting medium to light levels of bitterness and astringency, the tea maintains a well-balanced composition, ensuring a pleasant and enjoyable drinking experience.
- Huigan and Saliva Production: Revel in the delightful Hui Gan—a returning sweetness that tantalizes the senses and stimulates saliva production, further enriching the tasting journey.
- Texture: The tea's resilience and softness contribute to its overall balance, culminating in a tea that is both robust and refined.
Storage: This exceptional tea has been carefully stored under natural conditions in Guangzhou, allowing it to mature gracefully and develop its complex flavors over time.
The 2006 XiaGuan "Si Hao" (No.4) Cake is more than just a tea—it's a testament to XiaGuan's commitment to excellence and innovation, offering tea enthusiasts an unparalleled opportunity to elevate their tea-drinking experience.