2008 DaYi "7572" Cake 357g Puerh Shou Cha Ripe Tea (Coming Batches) - King Tea Mall
2008 DaYi "7572" Cake 357g Puerh Shou Cha Ripe Tea (Coming Batches) - King Tea Mall

2008 DaYi "7572" Cake 357g Puerh Shou Cha Ripe Tea (Coming Batches)

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Origination: The illustrious lineage of the "7572" blend dates back to its inception in 1975, crafted from premium 7th grade tea leaves. Originating from the esteemed Menghai Tea Factory, distinguished by the serial number "2" among China's historic national tea factories, this blend epitomizes tradition and excellence.

Taste Profile: Indulge in the captivating flavor profile of the 2008 DaYi "7572" Cake, a testament to the artistry and craftsmanship of puerh tea-making:

  • Visual Delight: Admire the delicate buds gracing the surface of the cake, promising a sensory journey of unparalleled quality.
  • Decadent Fermentation: Immerse yourself in the rich, red liquor, a result of meticulous fermentation that bestows depth upon each sip.
  • Complex Flavor Symphony: Experience a harmonious fusion of floral and fruity notes, complemented by a velvety smoothness that tantalizes the palate.
  • Mellow and Thick Mouthfeel: Delight in the luxurious mouthfeel, reminiscent of silk caressing the senses, offering a truly satisfying drinking experience.
  • Seamless Integration: Notice how the tea flavor effortlessly melds with the water, creating a symphony of taste that lingers long after each sip.

Storage: Stored in Guangzhou under natural conditions, the "7572" blend matures gracefully, allowing its distinctive flavor profile to develop and flourish over time. This natural aging process contributes to its unique character, ensuring a truly exceptional tea-drinking experience.

Noteworthy Mention: Celebrated as a benchmark in the world of puerh ripe tea, the "7572" blend stands as a testament to DaYi's commitment to excellence and quality. Its enduring legacy and unparalleled status make it a revered choice among tea enthusiasts worldwide.

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