Discover the Prestige of Bulang Mountain - Gongting Grade Puerh Tea
Savor the exclusive selection of our Gongting (Tribute) Grade Puerh Tea, a blend crafted from the venerable arbors of Bulang Mountain. Each leaf is a celebration of ancient tradition and quality.
Select Origins: Handpicked with reverence, the tea leaves from Bulang Mountain’s aged arbors are recognized for their superior strength and richness. Our Gongting grade selection boasts a higher proportion of young leaves and delicate buds, ensuring a tea experience that is both potent and full-bodied.
Visual Elegance: The tea presents itself in tight, neatly arranged threads that resemble golden needles, a testament to the meticulous process of selection and the high standard of our tea.
A Symphony of Color and Taste: Upon brewing, it reveals a radiant red liquor, gleaming with clarity and promise. This tea delights the palate with its thick, smooth, and mellow character, embodying the robust spirit of Bulang.
Sensory Journey: Each sip offers a deep, lingering aftertaste that is the hallmark of a truly premium Puerh. It's a transformative experience, one that carries the drinker to the misty peaks of Bulang with each taste.
Matured to Perfection: Aged gracefully through Guangzhou’s natural storage, this tea has developed a complexity that can only be achieved through the patience of time.
Embrace the luxury of our Gongting Grade Puerh from Bulang Mountain, a storied brew that is as much a tribute to the tea connoisseur as it is to its storied origins.