2012 ChenShengHao "Chen Sheng Jing Pin" (Premium) 357g Puerh Raw Tea Sheng Cha - King Tea Mall
2012 ChenShengHao "Chen Sheng Jing Pin" (Premium) 357g Puerh Raw Tea Sheng Cha - King Tea Mall
2012 ChenShengHao "Chen Sheng Jing Pin" (Premium) 357g Puerh Raw Tea Sheng Cha - King Tea Mall
2012 ChenShengHao "Chen Sheng Jing Pin" (Premium) 357g Puerh Raw Tea Sheng Cha - King Tea Mall

2012 ChenShengHao "Chen Sheng Jing Pin" (Premium) 357g Puerh Raw Tea Sheng Cha

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Here's a summary of the 2012 ChenShengHao "Chen Sheng Jing Pin" (Premium) 357g Puerh Raw Tea Sheng Cha:

  • Tea Name: Chen Sheng Jing Pin (Premium)
  • Tea Type: Raw Puerh Tea (Sheng Cha)
  • Year: 2012
  • Series: Jing Pin (Premium) series
  • Quality: Made from selected high-quality tea materials sourced from high mountain plantations in Meng Hai tea region. The processing follows a specific blend recipe.
  • Characteristics:
    • Features tight and neat threads with multiple tea hairs, presenting an attractive appearance.
    • Produces a clear tea liquor with brightness, indicating quality.
    • Offers a fragrant flavor with sweetness, likely enhancing the overall tea experience.
    • Provides a lingering Huigan (returning sweetness) and promotes saliva production, contributing to a pleasant aftertaste.
    • Offers a resilient taste with smoothness, ensuring a satisfying drinking experience.
  • Storage: Guangzhou natural storage, ensuring proper aging and preservation of quality.

This tea is likely to appeal to those who appreciate premium-quality raw Puerh tea with a balanced flavor profile and a smooth drinking experience.

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