2008 DaYi "Hong Zhuang" (Beauty) Cake 357g Puerh Shou Cha Ripe Tea - King Tea Mall
2008 DaYi "Hong Zhuang" (Beauty) Cake 357g Puerh Shou Cha Ripe Tea - King Tea Mall

2008 DaYi "Hong Zhuang" (Beauty) Cake 357g Puerh Shou Cha Ripe Tea

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Origination: The 2008 DaYi "Hong Zhuang" (Beauty) Cake is crafted to highlight the thickness and mellowness characteristic of high-quality ripe puerh tea.

Taste Profile:

  • Fragrant: The tea emits a pleasant and inviting aroma.
  • Thick and Smooth: It offers a rich, thick texture with a smooth mouthfeel, making for a satisfying drinking experience.
  • Aged Flavor: The aging process has imbued the tea with a mature and complex flavor profile.
  • Sweet and Mellow: The tea is sweet and mellow, balancing the robust flavors with a gentle sweetness.

Storage: Naturally stored in Guangzhou, the tea benefits from the region's climate, which aids in its aging process and enhances its unique characteristics.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Rosanna Czarnecki

Will try teas after time to rest from travel.