- High-Quality Selection: The tea is made from selected young tea buds and leaves harvested in early spring, known for their tender quality.
- Medium Fermentation: This tea undergoes a medium fermentation process, balancing between the fresh characteristics of raw tea and the aged qualities of ripe tea.
- Clear and Tight Tea Threads: The tea leaves are processed into clear and tight threads with visible golden hairs, indicative of high-grade materials.
Taste Profile:
- Red Tea Soup: The tea brews into a rich red liquor, which is visually appealing and typical of well-fermented ripe Puerh.
- Thick and Mellow Taste: It has a thick and mellow flavor, providing a robust and satisfying mouthfeel.
- Smooth Texture: The tea is smooth on the palate, making it easy to drink.
- Fermented Flavor: It possesses a distinctive fermented flavor, characteristic of ripe Puerh.
- Bitterness and Astringency Retreat Quickly: Any initial bitterness and astringency dissipate quickly, leaving a pleasant aftertaste.
- Guangzhou Natural Storage: The tea is stored naturally in Guangzhou, where the climate conditions aid in its aging process, enhancing its flavor profile over time.
The 2013 DaYi "Long Zhu" (Dragon Pillar) is a notable ripe Puerh tea, offering a rich, thick, and mellow taste with a smooth texture and well-managed fermentation, making it an excellent choice for daily consumption and aging.