Origination: The "7592" series has a distinguished history, originating from the Menghai Tea Factory in 1999. Its recipe draws from the original blend created in 1975, featuring predominantly 9th-grade tea leaves. As part of the Menghai tea factory's legacy, this series is designated with serial number "2" among national tea factories, underscoring its significance in the realm of Chinese tea production.
Taste: Prepare to savor the robust flavors of the 2019 DaYi "7592" Cake. This tea is crafted from a blend of strong tea leaves, complemented by delicate stems and minor old tea steams. Indulge in its mellowness and smoothness, characteristic of well-fermented ripe puerh. Experience the nuanced complexity of fermented tea flavor, accentuated by subtle notes of sweetness and freshness.
Storage: Naturally stored in Guangzhou, the 2019 DaYi "7592" Cake has undergone meticulous aging to develop its distinct profile. The natural storage environment in Guangzhou contributes to the tea's maturation, ensuring that it retains its optimal flavors and aromas over time.
For aficionados seeking a refined and satisfying drinking experience, the 2019 DaYi "7592" Cake offers a delightful exploration of ripe puerh tea's depth and character.