2008 DaYi "Chun Zao" (Early Spring) Cake 500g Puerh Sheng Cha Raw Tea - King Tea Mall
2008 DaYi "Chun Zao" (Early Spring) Cake 500g Puerh Sheng Cha Raw Tea - King Tea Mall

2008 DaYi "Chun Zao" (Early Spring) Cake 500g Puerh Sheng Cha Raw Tea

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Origination: Embark on a journey to the heart of early spring with the 2008 DaYi "Chun Zao" cake. Sourced from the tender leaves of the season's first harvest, this tea encapsulates the essence of freshness and vitality. Each leaf is carefully selected to capture the delicate flavors and aromas of the springtime, ensuring a brew that is both vibrant and invigorating.

Taste Profile: Indulge in the delightful nuances of the 2008 DaYi "Chun Zao" cake:

  • Varied Taste: Explore a spectrum of flavors that dance upon the palate, offering a delightful medley of sensations with each sip. From sweet notes to floral undertones, the taste profile is as diverse as it is enchanting.
  • Sweet and Fragrant: Allow the gentle sweetness to envelop the senses, reminiscent of the nectar of blossoming flowers. The fragrant aroma tantalizes the nose, inviting you to immerse yourself fully in the sensory experience.
  • Elegant: Experience the refined elegance of this early spring brew, a testament to the artistry and skill of its creators. Each sip exudes sophistication and grace, leaving a lasting impression that lingers on the palate.

Storage: Nestled within the embrace of Guangzhou's natural storage conditions, the 2008 DaYi "Chun Zao" cake undergoes a transformative journey of maturation. Here, amidst the gentle fluctuations of temperature and humidity, the tea evolves, acquiring depth and complexity with each passing year. Indulge in the sublime pleasures of aged Puerh as you sip on the masterfully crafted brews of DaYi, a true testament to the artistry and dedication of its artisans.

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