- Tea Type: Shou Cha (Ripe Puerh)
- Weight: 357g cake
- Series: "Rou Xia" (Flexible Hero)
- Origination: The 2017 DaYi "Rou Xia" Cake marks the debut of shou cha products using tea materials from old trees.
- Taste Profile:
- Clear and Strong Tea Threads: The tea exhibits clear and robust threads, with both inner and outer materials alike. It is blended with tiny buds and few tea stems.
- Oil-like Sleekness: Possesses a smooth and sleek texture reminiscent of oil.
- Aromatic and Fragrant: Releases an aromatic fragrance, with a combination of camel-like sweetness and jujube-like aroma.
- Minor Bitterness and Astringency: Presents minor levels of bitterness and astringency, contributing to the complexity of the flavor profile.
- Storage:
- Location: Guangzhou
- Method: Natural storage
- Benefits: Natural storage in Guangzhou allows for the gradual maturation of the tea, enhancing its flavor and aroma over time.