2011 DaYi "Pu Zhi Wei" (General) Cake 357g Puerh Shou Cha Ripe Tea - King Tea Mall
2011 DaYi "Pu Zhi Wei" (General) Cake 357g Puerh Shou Cha Ripe Tea - King Tea Mall
2011 DaYi "Pu Zhi Wei" (General) Cake 357g Puerh Shou Cha Ripe Tea - King Tea Mall

2011 DaYi "Pu Zhi Wei" (General) Cake 357g Puerh Shou Cha Ripe Tea

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  • Tea Type: Shou Cha (Ripe Puerh)
  • Weight: 357g Cake


Derived from meticulously selected robust tea leaves harvested from the lofty peaks of Menghai, the "Pu Zhi Wei" (General) Cake represents an embodiment of DaYi Tea's dedication to crafting exceptional ripe puerh. With a carefully crafted blend recipe designed to mitigate bitterness while accentuating the tea's elegant fermented flavors, this tea serves as an ideal introduction to the nuanced world of ripe puerh appreciation.

Taste Profile:

  • Elegant Fermentation: Embark on a sensory journey with the "Pu Zhi Wei" Cake, where the artful interplay of fermentation and craftsmanship results in a velvety-smooth and deeply satisfying tea experience. Delight in the tea's rich and complex flavor profile, characterized by its refined depth and unmistakable fragrance.
  • Lowered Bitterness: Through expert blending techniques, DaYi Tea has succeeded in tempering the bitterness inherent in ripe puerh, allowing the tea's inherent sweetness to shine through. Each sip reveals a harmonious balance of flavors, inviting you to savor the tea's nuanced nuances with every cup.
  • Educational Experience: The "Pu Zhi Wei" Cake serves as an educational tool for tea enthusiasts eager to explore the fundamental principles of ripe puerh appreciation. Immerse yourself in the tea's captivating aroma and flavor, gaining insight into the artistry and tradition that define this beloved tea genre.


  • Location: Guangzhou
  • Storage Method: Natural storage in Guangzhou ensures optimal aging conditions for the "Pu Zhi Wei" Cake, allowing it to mature gracefully over time. The region's favorable climate and humidity levels contribute to the tea's development of depth and complexity, resulting in a premium drinking experience.

Experience the essence of ripe puerh tea with the "Pu Zhi Wei" Cake, a testament to DaYi Tea's unwavering commitment to quality and excellence. Whether enjoyed as a daily indulgence or shared with fellow tea aficionados, this tea promises to captivate the senses and leave a lasting impression with its timeless elegance.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review

Brewed 15 grams in the yixing for this one. I gave a 10 second wash to begin.It has the aroma of a damp forest. The brew is almost as dark as other shou of this age. It has a distinctly lighter taste than most shous I have drank. My guess would be a shorter fermentation on this one . It gives an almost cross between a peach and a near ripened plum. Avery easy tea to drink. It has a very nice flavor without being to “assertive” as some can be. This will move up my chart for these reasons. Nice , smooth and a touch of fruit.