2011 DaYi "Yue Chen Yue Xiang" (The Older The Better) Cake 357g Puerh Sheng Cha Raw Tea - King Tea Mall
2011 DaYi "Yue Chen Yue Xiang" (The Older The Better) Cake 357g Puerh Sheng Cha Raw Tea - King Tea Mall
2011 DaYi "Yue Chen Yue Xiang" (The Older The Better) Cake 357g Puerh Sheng Cha Raw Tea - King Tea Mall

2011 DaYi "Yue Chen Yue Xiang" (The Older The Better) Cake 357g Puerh Sheng Cha Raw Tea

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  • Tea Type: Sheng Cha (Raw Puerh)
  • Weight: 357g Cake


The 2011 DaYi "Yue Chen Yue Xiang" (The Older The Better) Cake is crafted from meticulously selected early spring tea leaves harvested in the renowned Menghai tea region. This blend incorporates a variety of tea materials of different ages and grades, including both young and robust leaves, resulting in a complex and well-balanced puerh tea. The clear tea threads and elegant aroma are indicative of the high-quality tea leaves used in its production.

Taste Profile:

  • Tea Soup Color: The tea soup is bright and clear, reflecting the purity and quality of the tea leaves.
  • Flavor: The flavor is pungent yet well-balanced, with the tea essence thoroughly integrated into the tea soup. This results in a thick and mellow taste that is both refreshing and satisfying. The tea offers a unique combination of youthful vibrancy and mature depth due to the blend of varied-aged leaves.
  • Texture: The mouthfeel is thick and smooth, providing a comforting and luxurious drinking experience. The tea also has a refreshing quality that invigorates the palate.
  • Aroma: The aroma is elegant and lingering, with a fragrance that enhances the overall sensory experience. The tea is known for its fast saliva-producing effect and long-lasting huigan (returning sweetness), making it a delightful choice for puerh tea enthusiasts.


  • Location: Guangzhou
  • Storage Method: Naturally stored in Guangzhou, this tea has been aged under optimal conditions to enhance its distinctive qualities. The natural aging process in this humid, warm environment allows the flavors to develop and mature, contributing to the tea’s complexity and depth.

The 2011 DaYi "Yue Chen Yue Xiang" Cake exemplifies the artistry and tradition of the Menghai Tea Factory. Its rich, complex flavor profile and elegant aroma make it a treasured addition to any puerh tea collection. The combination of varied-aged leaves provides a unique drinking experience that improves with each passing year, truly embodying the sentiment "The Older The Better."

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review

I got 10 grams out and gave a quick rinse to wake it up. Brewed in the easy gaiwan, the color looks a bit darker than the first time. The color really came after the second steep. The bitterness in this is pretty strong. It kind of overwhelms the palate a bit and goes a bit to the slightly sweet after some time. This one is still growing and needs more time to mellow out a bit.
A re-taste in a year hopefully will show a bit more progress.