This tea, originating from the Bulang tea region, is known for its strong flavor profile, marked by noticeable bitterness and astringency.
A distinctive camphor flavor is subtly interwoven into the tea leaves, adding a unique dimension.
The tea excels in Huigan, offering a returning sweetness and stimulating saliva production.
Its aftertaste is long-lasting, filling the entire mouth and even spreading into the throat, creating an enjoyable and pleasant experience.
This tea has been naturally stored in Guangzhou.
This tea is part of a collection inspired by 'Shi Jing' (诗经), the ancient Chinese poetry book, with further details available in the Classic of Poetry on Wikipedia. The collection includes two other related teas:
'Ya' (Court Hymns): Made from arbor tree tea leaves sourced from the Yiwu tea region. Example: 2006 XingHai 'Ya - Yi Wu Qiao Mu' (Court Hymns - Yiwu Arbor Tree) Cake, a 400g Puerh Raw Tea Sheng Cha.
'Song' (Eulogies): Produced using arbor tree tea leaves from the Banzhang region, which is also a part of the Pan Bulang tea area. Example: 2006 XingHai 'Song - Ban Zhang Qiao Mu' (Eulogies - Banzhang Arbor Tree) Cake, a 400g Puerh Raw Tea Sheng Cha.