2020 ChenShengHao "Lin Shu Zhao Cai" (Zodiac Mouse Year) Cake 357g Puerh Raw Tea Sheng Cha - King Tea Mall
2020 ChenShengHao "Lin Shu Zhao Cai" (Zodiac Mouse Year) Cake 357g Puerh Raw Tea Sheng Cha - King Tea Mall
2020 ChenShengHao "Lin Shu Zhao Cai" (Zodiac Mouse Year) Cake 357g Puerh Raw Tea Sheng Cha - King Tea Mall

2020 ChenShengHao "Lin Shu Zhao Cai" (Zodiac Rat Year) Cake 357g Puerh Raw Tea Sheng Cha

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Introduction: Celebrate the auspicious Year of the Rat with the exquisite 2020 ChenShengHao "Lin Shu Zhao Cai" Cake. Crafted from premium big tree tea leaves, this commemorative cake embodies blessings and prosperity, making it a cherished addition to any tea connoisseur's collection.

Quality and Craftsmanship: Meticulously crafted using selected high-quality tea leaves, this cake epitomizes ChenShengHao's commitment to excellence. The tight tea threads exhibit impeccable neatness and a great appearance, reflecting the brand's dedication to superior craftsmanship.

Appearance and Liquor: Admire the cake's tight tea threads as they gracefully unfurl, releasing a clear tea liquor that sparkles with brightness. Its inviting clarity beckons tea enthusiasts to partake in its delightful aroma and flavorful depths.

Flavor Profile: Savor the refreshing taste that envelops the palate, offering a perfect balance of sweetness and strength. While medium bitterness and astringency add depth to the flavor profile, they are harmoniously complemented by rich and robust undertones, creating a truly indulgent tea-drinking experience.

Aftertaste and Sensory Experience: Experience the lingering aftertaste that leaves a lasting impression, accompanied by a delightful Huigan (returning sweetness) and a generous amount of saliva production. The tea's strong and rich taste, coupled with its good Huigan, ensures a satisfying and memorable sensory journey.

Guangzhou Natural Storage: Stored naturally in Guangzhou, this tea benefits from optimal aging conditions, allowing its flavors to mature and evolve gracefully over time. The natural storage enhances the tea's complexity, ensuring a truly exceptional drinking experience with each infusion.

Conclusion: Elevate your tea-drinking rituals with the 2020 ChenShengHao "Lin Shu Zhao Cai" Cake, a symbol of blessings and abundance in the Year of the Rat. From its impeccable craftsmanship to its delightful flavor profile and lingering aftertaste, this tea embodies the essence of prosperity and joy, making it a cherished treasure for tea enthusiasts around the world.

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