2005 XiaGuan "8633" Cake 357g Puerh Raw Tea Sheng Cha - King Tea Mall
2005 XiaGuan "8633" Cake 357g Puerh Raw Tea Sheng Cha - King Tea Mall
2005 XiaGuan "8633" Cake 357g Puerh Raw Tea Sheng Cha - King Tea Mall
2005 XiaGuan "8633" Cake 357g Puerh Raw Tea Sheng Cha - King Tea Mall
2005 XiaGuan "8633" Cake 357g Puerh Raw Tea Sheng Cha - King Tea Mall

2005 XiaGuan "8633" Cake 357g Puerh Raw Tea Sheng Cha

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  • Year: 2005
  • Type: Puerh Sheng Cha Raw Tea
  • Weight: 357g
  • Series: 8633
  • Blend Recipe Initiated: 1986
  • Tea Grade: 3rd Grade Tea Materials
  • Storage: Guangzhou Natural Storage

Description: Experience the distinctive flavor and character of our 2005 XiaGuan "8633" Cake, a remarkable specimen from the esteemed 8633 series. Crafted with precision according to a blend recipe initiated in 1986, this tea showcases XiaGuan's legacy of excellence in tea production.

Taste Profile:

  • Slight Smoky Flavor: Delight in a subtle smoky essence that distinguishes this tea, offering a lighter touch compared to other tuo cha varieties from XiaGuan.
  • Decent Sweetness with Smoothness: Enjoy a pleasing sweetness accompanied by a smooth texture that glides effortlessly over the palate.
  • Minor Bitterness and Astringency: Experience subtle notes of bitterness and astringency that add complexity to the tea's profile without overpowering its overall smoothness.
  • Plum-Like Flavor: Notice hints of a plum-like flavor that contribute to the tea's unique character, enhancing the drinking experience and stimulating saliva production.
  • Mellow with Soft Mouthfeel: Revel in the mellow nature of this tea, which offers a soft mouthfeel that invites you to savor each sip with ease.

Storage and Variations:

  • Guangzhou Natural Storage: This tea has been carefully stored in Guangzhou, allowing it to mature naturally and develop its complex flavors and aromas over time.
  • Iron Cake Variation (T8633): The T8633 variation of the 8633 series is pressed into a hard cake, making it challenging to pry and dissolve. However, this slow processing method preserves the tea's original fragrance and contributes to the development of a plum-like flavor, making it a preferred choice for many tea enthusiasts.

Indulge in the exquisite taste and aroma of our 2005 XiaGuan "8633" Cake, a testament to XiaGuan's commitment to quality and craftsmanship in every cup.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review

There are hints of the strorage in the first cup. Very small touch of bitter hardly there. A little drying that goes fairly to sweet quickly. Second cup brings more of the bitter note that rounds the corner with some camphor and mintiness hiding in there as well.
I don’t get the thickness as I do with some teas but this coats the mouth and feels a bit slippery for a few seconds on the tongue. Some mintiness but the Camphor on this is really nice. Good to find a tea that has some storage that doesn’t wash it out completely. I am probably getting the bitter as a harder hit since I was brewing the scraps of a few cakes up. Def a good one if you want to explore puerh a bit more.