### Origin:
"JinBang XiaoFa" (金榜销法), meaning "Golden List Sell to France," is part of both the "Golden List" and "Sell to France" series. It is a derivative of the "XiaoFa" series. Historically, "XiaoFa" has been exported to various European countries like Germany, Italy, Spain, and Luxembourg, as well as East Asian countries like South Korea.
The series began in 1976 at the XiaGuan Tea Factory and gained a strong reputation when exhibited at the Guangzhou Expo in the same year. It received favorable reviews and orders from international customers. In 1979, French businessman Fred Kemple became the general dealer of TuoCha, helping to popularize the tea among individual customers, who often used it for weight loss and to lower blood sugar and pressure. However, it is recommended to enjoy this tea as a general Puerh ripe tea for its rich taste, complemented by a healthy diet for optimal well-being.
Initially, the series was labeled "7663." The "76" signifies the blend recipe finalized in 1976, while the "6" indicates that the main tea materials are around 6th grade. Puerh tea materials, also known as MaoCha, are typically graded from the tiniest bud ("GongTing 宫廷" or Royal/Tribute) to "TeJi 特级" (Special Grade), followed by 1st to 10th grade, primarily consisting of rough and large tea leaves and stems. Some factories, like MengHai, use a grading system up to 9th grade. The grade denotes the roughness rather than the quality of the tea material. The "3" signifies the XiaGuan Tea Factory, which was the third national tea factory, following KunMing (1), MengHai (2), and LiMing (4).
"XiaoFa" products are available in 100g or 250g tuos, with consistent blend recipes and tea materials across both weights. Packaging options include a paper box or simple wrapper, with no difference in quality.
### Taste:
- Bright, red tea liquor
- Mellow and smooth mouthfeel
- Light sweetness
### Storage:
Guangzhou natural storage.