BaMa(拔玛) which means “Old Arbor Tree” in local AiNi dialect. On the elevation of above 1600m in NanNuo tea mountain(南糯山), here has national original forest called GuoYouLin(国有林) . When I went there first time in spring of 2018 year, I was totally astonished by the well preserved natural environment and forests there. (Photos taken at that time are attached in most below). Here is far from places where people live. In fact, people live far below this national forest. This makes these tea trees be well protected along with other trees.
Dry tea leaf is fragrant, long and strong. A pity that the unique and floral like fragrance only appears on newly processed tea leaf has turned to weaker and weaker, though I try my best to preserve that in my warehouse. If everything goes smoothly, I hope everyone can have a try on new tea of next spring even on sample. The sweet taste near sugar cane not just come from HuiGan(one kind of aftertaste when bitterness retreats) but also can be felt when sip tea liquid. The bitterness withdraw from mouth very soon. Astringency is on a low level but can be felt. Saliva producing time lasts long. Because this is pure tea leaf from one individual little tea region and single season, the stage of taste changing along with each infusion can be easily felt too.
After I come back from there, I reordered some of this tea to charge my stock. And to observe the aging process and well learn about tea from there, I take some of these MaoCha to be pressed into disc cake with each weight of 200g. And some has been left here to be sold as MaoCha. Then everyone can have their own comparison. And I hope not just me but other tea lovers can learn more from this tea and this tea region in NanNuo mountain.
Also I think this is a kind of tea could be recommended to new comers.Richness.
Wild flavor.
Strength in ChaQi