The Origin and Evolution of the "Lao Cha Tou" Series in Dayi Puerh Tea
由 John HouThe term "Lao Cha Tou" translates to "Old Tea Head" in English. It refers to a unique type of tea chunk that is produced during the process of "Wo Dui," or Piled Tea for Manual Fermentation.
During Wo Dui, the tea leaves undergo high temperatures and pressures in the piles, causing the release of pectin and other substances. This leads to complex chemical reactions, resulting in some tea leaves forming hard chunks that cannot be separated by machines, except for larger pieces.
Originally, "Lao Cha Tou" was an unexpected by-product of the tea fermentation process and was often considered waste that could not be consumed or blended into formal tea products in the history of ripe tea production. Only a few people used it for personal consumption.
However, during the tenure of Mr. Li Wenhua as the Vice CEO of Menghai Tea Factory, "Lao Cha Tou" gained recognition and found its way into the market. Mr. Li sought to give this unique tea product a formal name. Throughout history, the term "Tou" (头, Head) has been used to denote individuals responsible for certain tasks, such as "Chu Tou" (厨头, Chef), among others.
Inspired by this tradition, Mr. Li decided to use "Tou" to describe this tea, leading to the name "Cha Tou" (茶头, Tea Head). Due to the small chunks' hardness and solidity, they retain their original shape even after multiple infusions, gradually releasing tea essences over time.
To emphasize the unique character of these tea chunks, Mr. Li added "Lao" (老, Old) before the name, resulting in the popular term "Lao Cha Tou" that is known today.