商品系列: Dark Tea


1. Hei Cha (Dark Tea):
• History: Hei Cha has been produced for centuries, originating during the Tang Dynasty (618-907 AD). It was often traded along the ancient Tea Horse Road, connecting Tibet with the tea-producing regions of Yunnan and Sichuan.
• Usage: Traditionally, Hei Cha is often compressed into various shapes like bricks or cakes for ease of transportation. It is steeped in boiling water and enjoyed for its earthy, mellow taste.
• Effects: Hei Cha is known for its probiotic properties due to the fermentation process it undergoes. It’s believed to aid digestion, promote gut health, and have detoxifying properties.
2. Fu Cha (Fuzhuan Tea):
• History: Originating from the Shaanxi province, Fu Cha has been produced since the Ming Dynasty. It is known for the unique golden-yellow fungi (Eurotium cristatum) that grow on it during the fermentation process.
• Usage: Fu Cha is typically pressed into bricks and has a sweet, mellow taste with a unique, slightly fungal aroma.
• Effects: The presence of beneficial fungi in Fu Cha is believed to aid in digestion and have various health benefits.
3. Qing Zhuan Cha (Green Brick Tea):
• History: This tea has been historically popular in the border areas of China and among ethnic minorities. It played a significant role in the tea trade with Tibet and Mongolia.
• Usage: Qing Zhuan Cha is often compressed into bricks or cakes. It has a strong, slightly smoky flavor and is usually steeped in boiling water.
• Effects: It is praised for its refreshing properties and is believed to help with fatigue and digestion.
4. Liu Bao Cha:
• History: Originating from the Guangxi province, Liu Bao tea dates back to the Qing Dynasty. It became especially popular in Malaysia and among the Chinese diaspora in Southeast Asia.
• Usage: Often aged like Pu-erh tea, Liu Bao Cha is known for its smooth, earthy flavor. It can be steeped multiple times, with the flavor evolving with each steeping.
• Effects: Liu Bao Cha is renowned for its warming properties and is often consumed for digestive benefits and to reduce dampness in the body.

Overall, Chinese dark teas are not only appreciated for their unique flavors and fermentation processes but also for their cultural significance and health benefits. Each type offers a distinct experience, reflecting the rich tea culture of China.

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