2009 XiaGuan "Yin Song He" (Silver Pine & Crane ) Cake 357g Puerh Raw Tea Sheng Cha
2009 XiaGuan "Yin Song He" (Silver Pine & Crane ) Cake 357g Puerh Raw Tea Sheng Cha
2009 XiaGuan "Yin Song He" (Silver Pine & Crane ) Cake 357g Puerh Raw Tea Sheng Cha
2009 XiaGuan "Yin Song He" (Silver Pine & Crane ) Cake 357g Puerh Raw Tea Sheng Cha
2009 XiaGuan "Yin Song He" (Silver Pine & Crane ) Cake 357g Puerh Raw Tea Sheng Cha
2009 XiaGuan "Yin Song He" (Silver Pine & Crane ) Cake 357g Puerh Raw Tea Sheng Cha
2009 XiaGuan "Yin Song He" (Silver Pine & Crane ) Cake 357g Puerh Raw Tea Sheng Cha
2009 XiaGuan "Yin Song He" (Silver Pine & Crane ) Cake 357g Puerh Raw Tea Sheng Cha
2009 XiaGuan "Yin Song He" (Silver Pine & Crane ) Cake 357g Puerh Raw Tea Sheng Cha

2009 XiaGuan "Yin Song He" (Silver Pine & Crane ) Cake 357g Puerh Raw Tea Sheng Cha


Product Details:

  • Name: Yin Song He (Silver Pine & Crane)
  • Year: 2009
  • Type: Puerh Raw Tea Sheng Cha
  • Weight: 357g
  • Storage: Guangzhou natural storage

Tea Characteristics:

  • Origins: Crafted in response to an order from FT (Fei Tai) tea company, this tea aims to replicate the success of the "Jin Da Yi" and "Yin Da Yi" series from Menghai tea factory.
  • Tea Materials: Made using aged tea materials, primarily consisting of 1st-grade leaves with a high ratio of young buds and tiny leaves. This contributes to its exceptional quality and flavor profile.
  • Appearance: The tea leaves are tightly packed and neat, exhibiting excellent appearance and quality.
  • Liquor Color: The tea liquor boasts a clear and bright appearance, inviting the drinker to indulge in its delights.
  • Flavor Profile: Offers a refreshing taste with underlying sweetness, complemented by subtle smoky tea flavor characteristic of XiaGuan teas.
  • Huigan and Saliva Production: The tea provides a satisfying Huigan, marked by a returning sweetness, and stimulates saliva production, enhancing the overall drinking experience.


  • The tea has been stored naturally in Guangzhou, ensuring optimal aging conditions and allowing it to develop its unique flavors and characteristics over time.

Series Background:

  • The "Yin Song He" series is part of XiaGuan's endeavor to replicate the success of the renowned "Jin Da Yi" and "Yin Da Yi" series from Menghai tea factory. It aims to offer tea enthusiasts a comparable experience while maintaining XiaGuan's distinctive character.


The 2009 XiaGuan "Yin Song He" (Silver Pine & Crane) Cake 357g Puerh Raw Tea Sheng Cha stands as a testament to XiaGuan's commitment to excellence and innovation. With its exceptional quality, delightful flavor profile, and historical significance, this tea is sure to captivate the senses of tea connoisseurs and enthusiasts alike. Whether enjoyed for its unique character or appreciated for its homage to tea traditions, this tea promises a memorable and satisfying drinking experience.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review

I got this one out to review as I have wanted to get into it and a couple of friends were interested also.
I pulled it out to chunk off a bit and was surprised that it broke off easily. Most XiaGuan “Iron Cakes” are tough to get into. It broke off easily and I got I got my measure of pretty easy. I guess the pumidor may be working.
I gave a 10 second rinse and let the leaf sit for about 10 minutes to start brewing. It brews a nice deep golden color. It still has some of the smoke and punch of a somewhat younger tea but a deeper color.
It carries a good bit of bitter but in a nice way for me. Some hints of smoke and astringency but not in an overpowering way. It reminds me somewhat of another cake from about 2007 that I enjoyed.
Will it give you that nice Cha Qui?
A bit but not too strong. Huigan a bit. Nice notes of subdued smoke and camphor a little pucker of citrus in there as well.
Nice and aging well I think.