2015 XiaGuan "8113 - Zao Chun" (Early Spring) Cake 357g Puerh Sheng Cha Raw Tea - King Tea Mall
2015 XiaGuan "8113 - Zao Chun" (Early Spring) Cake 357g Puerh Sheng Cha Raw Tea - King Tea Mall
2015 XiaGuan "8113 - Zao Chun" (Early Spring) Cake 357g Puerh Sheng Cha Raw Tea - King Tea Mall

2015 XiaGuan "8113 - Zao Chun" (Early Spring) Cake 357g Puerh Sheng Cha Raw Tea


Description: The "8113 - Zao Chun" (Early Spring) is a distinguished Puerh Sheng Cha (Raw Tea) produced by the renowned XiaGuan Tea Factory. The name "8113" signifies the blend recipe and the grading of the tea materials used in its production.

Naming Breakdown:

  • 81: The blend recipe was finalized in 1981.
  • 1: The main tea materials are around the 1st grade, which indicates high-quality leaves.
  • 3: XiaGuan Tea Factory, the 3rd tea factory under the China National Native Produce & Animal By-Products Import & Export Corporation (CNNP) at the time.

The additional context includes the different grades used in Puerh tea production, ranging from "GongTing" (Palace Grade) of the tiniest, high-quality young buds to "TeJi" (Special Grade) of very tiny young buds, followed by numbered grades from 1st to 9th or 10th, with the higher numbers indicating rougher and larger tea leaves and stems.

Taste Profile:

  • Flavor: The exact flavor profile is not detailed, but generally, Puerh Sheng Cha from XiaGuan is known for its complex, rich taste, often featuring a balance of bitterness and sweetness with a lingering aftertaste. It is expected to have a smooth and refreshing character, typical of early spring tea materials.


  • Location: Stored naturally in Guangzhou.
  • Effect on Tea: The natural storage conditions in Guangzhou are known to positively affect the aging process of Puerh tea, enhancing its flavor and complexity over time.

Summary: The 2015 XiaGuan "8113 - Zao Chun" (Early Spring) Cake is a premium Puerh Sheng Cha that embodies the meticulous blend recipe finalized in 1981. Using predominantly 1st-grade tea materials, this tea promises a high-quality, complex taste experience. The natural storage in Guangzhou further augments its aging process, making it a valuable addition for both daily enjoyment and long-term collection.

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