A Public Response to a 1 Star Critical Review of Our Store.


It seems that only part of the full story is being shared here.

You initially ordered samples and, after trying them, decided to place a full tea order. However, despite your previous experience with the samples, you raised questions regarding the tea’s authenticity when placing the larger order.

If you still felt uncertain about authenticity after sampling, it may indicate a lack of confidence in either our professionalism, our honesty, or both. In that case, we would recommend trying additional samples to better understand the quality of our teas and our commitment to authenticity before making a larger purchase. Although your order might have been a gesture of trust, if it was accompanied by reservations, we wanted to respect that and, therefore, canceled your order with a polite explanation.


Then, shortly after, you placed another order for the same teas using a different account. We reached out to explain that, as you seemed unfamiliar with us, it might be best to try more samples to gain confidence in our teas and service. We waited for a response from October 25 to October 28 but did not hear back. To us, it seems you are attempting to pressure us into shipping these teas to you regardless. So we canceled the order again and issued a full refund.

Shortly after, we received negative reviews from you that seemed aimed at casting doubt on the authenticity and storage quality of our products.

As a policy, we encourage all customers to try samples before ordering whole cakes, bricks, tuos, or stacked teas. Sampling allows customers to determine whether the quality and taste meet their preferences and assess our service firsthand. However, as sellers, we take full responsibility for authenticity, storage conditions, and other quality-related aspects of our teas. Just as a chef ensures the quality of their ingredients and preparation but cannot guarantee everyone will appreciate every dish, we stand by the quality of our tea without requiring each customer to be a tea expert.

If anyone has questions about authenticity, storage quality, or personal taste suitability, we’re happy to offer samples where available. If a sample is not listed, feel free to reach out, and we’ll do our best to accommodate.

Your understanding and cooperation are greatly appreciated. If you have any further questions or suggestions, please don’t hesitate to let us know.

Best regards,

1 Kommentar

  • You’re a true gentleman John

    Peter Robertson

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