2008 DaYi "8592" Cake 357g Puerh Shou Cha Ripe Tea - King Tea Mall
2008 DaYi "8592" Cake 357g Puerh Shou Cha Ripe Tea - King Tea Mall

2008 DaYi "8592" Cake 357g Puerh Shou Cha Ripe Tea

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The "8592" tea blend, like its counterpart "8582", has distinctive features in its origination, taste, and storage methods, making it a notable choice among tea enthusiasts. Here's an overview:


  • Creation Year: 1985.
  • Key Ingredient: Primarily uses the 9th grade tea leaf in its blend.
  • Manufacturer: Produced initially by the Menghai Tea Factory.
  • Serial Number: The "2" in "8592" denotes its association with the national tea factories during the historical period of its inception.
  • Further Information: For a more in-depth exploration of the tea's naming, history, and the specifics of the Menghai Tea Factory, specialized blogs or articles are recommended.


  • Color: Characterized by a red tea liquor.
  • Flavor Profile: Offers a wood flavor with a well-fermented, uniquely mellow character.
  • Additional Tasting Notes: Includes slight sweetness and warmness, contributing to a rich and complex taste experience.


  • Method: Guangzhou natural storage, which is a specific approach to storing tea that impacts its aging and flavor development.

The "8592" blend, with its use of 9th grade tea leaves and specific fermentation process, presents a unique flavor profile distinct from other puerh teas. Its storage method further contributes to its uniqueness, making it a valued choice for those who appreciate the subtleties of tea aging and flavor nuances.

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