2015 XiaGuan "Zhao Cai Jin Bao" (Fortune & Wealth) Cake 357g Puerh Shou Cha Ripe Tea - King Tea Mall
2015 XiaGuan "Zhao Cai Jin Bao" (Fortune & Wealth) Cake 357g Puerh Shou Cha Ripe Tea - King Tea Mall
2015 XiaGuan "Zhao Cai Jin Bao" (Fortune & Wealth) Cake 357g Puerh Shou Cha Ripe Tea - King Tea Mall

2015 XiaGuan "Zhao Cai Jin Bao" (Fortune & Wealth) Cake 357g Puerh Shou Cha Ripe Tea

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The 2015 XiaGuan "Zhao Cai Jin Bao" (Fortune & Wealth) Cake is a 357g Puerh Shou Cha (Ripe Tea) known for its quality and drinkability, making it suitable for daily consumption. Here's a detailed overview:


  1. Smooth, Mellow, and Thick:

    • This tea is described as smooth and mellow, indicating a pleasant and easy-to-drink profile.
    • The thickness in its texture suggests a rich and full-bodied tea experience.
  2. Good Fermentation:

    • High-quality fermentation processes have been employed, ensuring a well-rounded and mature flavor.

Storage Conditions:

  • Guangzhou Natural Storage:
    • The tea has been stored naturally in Guangzhou, a region known for its humid and warm climate.
    • This storage condition is beneficial for the aging process of Puerh tea, contributing to its smooth and mellow character.

Tasting Notes:

  • Flavor:

    • Expect a balanced flavor profile with a possible hint of sweetness, earthiness, and possibly a slight woody or nutty note typical of well-fermented Shou Puerh.
    • The tea should have minimal bitterness due to its mellow nature.
  • Aroma:

    • The aroma might include earthy undertones, with potential hints of dark chocolate or dried fruits.

Brewing Tips:

  1. Water Temperature:

    • Use water at around 100°C (212°F).
  2. Tea to Water Ratio:

    • Start with about 5 grams of tea per 150ml of water, adjusting to taste.
  3. Steeping Time:

    • Initial rinse for 10 seconds to wake up the leaves.
    • First infusion: 10-15 seconds.
    • Subsequent infusions: Gradually increase the steeping time by 5-10 seconds with each infusion.
  4. Infusions:

    • This tea can generally be steeped multiple times, often providing 6-8 good infusions, with flavors evolving through each steep.


The 2015 XiaGuan "Zhao Cai Jin Bao" is an excellent choice for those who enjoy a daily, reliable, and enjoyable Puerh Shou Cha. Its smooth, mellow, and thick characteristics, coupled with good fermentation and optimal storage conditions, make it a delight for both novice and seasoned tea drinkers.

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